They will also occasionally use these calls to scare other birds away from food sources that the blue jays have come … She stills feeds and studies them every day. Blue jays are occasionally known to attack other birds that are smaller in size. Blue Jays have an impressive vocal repertoire that includes not only many sounds beyond their raucous jay! Judging by your very enjoyable comments, you are a person after my own heart. I was reminded of how talented this bird is just the other day. Thank you so much for your visit and comment. Voted up and awesome. Blue Jays can make a variety of sounds and it is common to hear them mimicking hawks, especially the Red-shouldered Hawk. The jays we see in Britain are Eurasian jays. Not much work has been done on the vocalizations of Blue Jays and most of the research that has been done is unpublished work by graduate students. I have no clue but they are so entertaining. Blue jays will occupy almost every bird-feeder east of Rocky Mountains. They are also fond of other birds’ eggs, so it is a good idea to provide protection in the way of bird houses and nesting boxes. Blue jays have very strong black bills, which can crack nuts and acorns. Blue Jays are amazing birds for sure. Retrofit your feeders or buy new ones that exclude larger birds. I figure it's all part of the natural order of things. You know, I've seen them do a greedy thing with pieces of bread. Blue Jays are infamous for their noticeable presence at bird feeders, so I looked into how to draw Blue Jays away from your feeders. The jay is also known to imitate hawk calls. If crushed, the blue feathers will turn brown. Blue Jays are medium-sized ranging in length from 9 to 12 inches. Did you know that blue jays often comb their feathers with ants? I made a nest in an empty plant container and hung it in the tree. Make sure there is a source of water nearby for the birds to drink and bathe in. Its also called the Indian roller and though beautiful, it is different from the blue jay you have pictured. I have to find him again and study him. Captive Blue Jays sometimes learn to imitate human speech and meowing cats. If the jay is frightened, the crest bristled out in all directions. I'm so glad you enjoyed this article. Blue jays also imitate the two-syllable scream of the red-tailed hawk. Compare the Blue Jay's many calls below. I'm pleased you enjoyed this and learned some new things about these beautiful birds. Why do Blue Jays imitate hawks, even if no other birds are around? Ornithologists suggest they do this for one of two reasons, or perhaps both. Great work and here's to so many more hubs for us both to share on here.Have a great day. The wing and tail feathers are bright blue with white andblack bands. They jam as much into their beaks as possible, and then try for more, especially if there are other birds around! You will need a ground bird feeder or a large bird feeder to support blue jays. I'm gad I did! However, Blue Jays don't shy away from using this ability to their advantage. Thanks so much for sharing. Thanks for writing and share with us. I give you a big round of applause for saving that nest full of baby blue jays!! Blue jays have been tarred with a dirty brush for many years, accused of robbing other nests, of murdering and eating baby birds, of hogging the feeder and of stealing shiny things from your yard. I'm sure you're right about spring. Much of blue jay migratory behavior remains a mystery - some blue jays may migrate one year, then stay in their home range the next, then migrate another year. Blue jays are known to be beautiful, intelligent, and highly aggressive birds. Thank you for sharing. On several occasions I have attempted to take its picture, but it grabs a piece of food and flies away before I can capture its beauty! When both colorful cardinals and blue jays appear on a grey, snow-covered day, it is a sight that helps the winter months seem not quite so long. When flying alone, blue jays are subject to predation by hawks, eagles, and other raptors, however when in groups they will 'mob' much larger birds in order to fight them off. This makes them both very interesting and hard to capture and study (Kroodsma, 2005). I loved your article and the photos were supurb. I derive so much enjoyment from watching birds, squirrels, chipmunks and the like. This bird is known to be beautiful, intelligent, and highly aggressive. They like a well-decorated home as much as we humans do! Look for this birds narrow necklace of black feathers across thethroat and around the head. Additionally, what is the best type of bird feeder for Blue Jays? I must admit that I look forward to hearing it again every year. In Eastern Ontario and the blue jays at our cottage imitate our cats meow...perhaps keeps the other critters away from the bird feeder. I'm so glad you stopped by and left such a great comment. When I lived in Connecticut recently, I visited the park across the street often. The upper parts are bluish gray and brightest on the rump. We also have the cardinals, doves and many other birds. I bring bird food (and bread sometimes), and whole peanuts. The first time it happened, I was actually trying to throw it to a squirrel, so it caught me off guard! It is no wonder that they are very often depicted on holiday greeting cards! But now that it is cold and snowy, they are at the feeders daily. That's a first--they usually wait until I move on to the next feeder. prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on March 07, 2013: I am birds lovers. I'd say it was more of a soft grayish blue. Why he does that is a mystery. Connie Smith (author) from Southern Tier New York State on March 07, 2013: So glad to see you sg! Walking deeper into the woods as quietly as I could, I stopped often to home in on the insistent sounds. Apostle Jack from Atlanta Ga on January 06, 2012: Your story bring to my thoughts about the blue jay that comes to a place in my yard where I feed the birds and squirrels and such,and they are a wonderful sight.They eat a little and then get a mouthful and take off in the woods.They return again and again,as do the red bird and the sparrow.The baby birds are a greater amazement to me because of their small intellect. Blue jays need to either have large bird feeders, or ground feeders. There are four subspecies of blue jays; the coastal blue jays, the northern blue jays, the interior blue jays, and the Florida blue jay which is the smallest subspecies. In addition to being raucous and sometimes aggressive, blue jays can be gentle and quiet. Hi Peggy! Thank you for the inspiration. Many a birder has been fooled into thinking a hawk was around, and discovers a blue jay instead. I am so glad you stopped by and commented. 16. The blue jays eggs are 1.8 – 2.2 cm (0.7 – 0.9 inches) wide. What interesting birds. Your supportive and awesome comments make my day. If you’re concerned that the scrub-jays have driven off the other birds, there are things you can do. Visit the Blue Jay section of our wildlife store! Your comments and vote are so very much appreciated. The pair gently floated downwards in a spiral of unfurled wings, landing on the ground and then retreating to separate branches. I have a cardinal that I see near my patio about every day. Like us on Facebook for 5% off your order, Largest selection of rustic cabin decor on the web. It was an interesting experience. Blue Jays will imitate hawks to warn other birds that a hawk is in the area and they need to take cover or to scare predators away. They love to decorate! They love shiny objects and will often incorporate bits of foil wrappers into their loose twig nests. These mountains are full. Blue Jays can be very aggressive to other birds; they sometimes raid nests, and they have decapitated other birds. Sheila Brown from Southern Oklahoma on March 07, 2013: I too, love to watch the beautiful blue jays. Orioles and Cardinals in MLB may fear Blue Jay bats but real orioles and real cardinals have more pressing concerns. © 2015 American Expedition, a brand by Ideaman, Inc. ∙ 7 Cedar Ct. Union, MO 63084 ∙ Toll Free US: 1-800-205-4332 ∙ International: 1-636-583-1145. I suspected they could, as I'm pretty sure I heard back from 1 of the 3 in my new area,. Blue jays normally fly at speeds of 20-25 miles per hour. Red Dead Redemption 2 Small bird farming spot Cardinals, woodpeckers, sparrows, songbirds, bluejays. I always got a kick out of the Blue Jays, because they would swoop down and catch a peanut in mid-air if I threw it. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 06, 2013: We have the pleasure of seeing Blue Jays bathing in our birdbath in our backyard on a daily basis year round here in Houston. My clever blue jays never cease to amaze me with their beauty, aggressive raucousness and mimicry. Blue Jays, like other birds, use their strong bills for cracking seeds, nuts, and acorns for food. I know that jays are long-lived, and my phone dialer is the proof! The clutch may be two to seven eggs, which are blueish or light brown with brown spots. American Expedition is proud to present information, facts, habitat info, bird feeding tips and pictures of the Blue Jay. Hunters don't particularly care for them as they not only frighten birds with their mimicking sounds, but also other wildlife. The second is that jays are trying to fool other species into thinking there are hawks nearby. The blue jays often live in small flocks and aggressively protect their nesting site. Blue Jays can imitate calls of their predators, especially hawks, and may use these calls to test whether or not these predators are in the area. Blue Jays are disliked by many people for their aggressive ways, but they are far less aggressive than many other species. They also can be found in parks and suburban residential areas, and are frequent guests of backyard bird feeders. I occasionally add peanuts as a treat for them. Thank you for sharing this charming article with us, and I hope you have a fabulous week. Blue jays typically live in small flocks, and are highly protective of their nesting site. Up and interesting votes. So nice to see you Eddy as always! Most vocalizations are used to intimidate or threaten other birds or intruders near nesting or feeding areas. They do not consume all the acorns they take rather they start burying acorns in large numbers than those eaten. Distinguishing characteristics of the blue jay include the pronounced blue crest on their heads, which the blue jay may lower and raise depending on mood, and which will bristle outward when the bird is being aggressive or becomes frightened. Blue jays are especially fond of oak trees and the acorns that they drop. Blue jays will attack humans if they get too close to their nesting areas. Guess this one was extra hungry! Jays are corvids – members of the crow family. This noisy bird also utters a wide variety of squeaks, rattles, and croaks. While talking with my coworker about Blue Jays, I became curious about these fascinating birds. This is what I learned. I'm not at all sure where he picked it up, but it is interesting that he has adapted it as his own personal voice. I learned something from you--I had no idea that blue jays would catch food in midair! Thank you for the Vote and your inspiring words. Not always conspicuous, they slip furtively through the trees when tending their own nest or going to rob the nest of another bird. Blue jays typically form monogamous pairs and stay together for life. I loved reading about your blue jay experience. Blue Jays are known to imitate a variety of other bird species, including the Bald Eagle and Eastern Screech-Owl. do not have true crops. They also have their own form of insect control. I often make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for them with the 2 end crusts of bread. I knew blue jays were one of the birds that would pester, or mob hawks, but until then I did not realize they also impersonated them. I am sure you have some very lovely birds as well. Blue Jays are often considered to be among the most intelligent birds. You must be a true bird lover, and a kindred spirit ;). This happened several times as each male took turns trying to impress the female with body bobbing and soft comforting sounds. They are occasional predators. Thank you so much. However, much to my surprise it was not a red-shouldered hawk that flew out of the tree, but a blue jay uttering the same shrill but nasal ‘keyeer, keeyeer’! My coworker Nancy has a compost pile in her backyard where she has seen Blue Jays repeatedly … I have hung a larger, saucer type bird feeder on the other side of the house with dried bread, scraps for fruit and nuts, but still no blue jays. It was fun and fascinating to watch. Blue jays can be raucous, and their “jay jay jay” screech can be heard for quite a distance. It's great that you can enjoy them year round.