Characteristics of Modern Society The sociologist Judith Stacey's Brave New Families explored the ways that families adapted to meet the challenges of a postmodern society by creating new and innovative family structures that looked very different from the "traditional" family. He has written on the changing structures of family, the issue of woman, consumerism and similar topics. We already wrote about the individualization of life and consumption in Western and United States society. Postmodern Theory – A Broad and Ambiguous View of Reality Postmodern theory is a broad and somewhat ambiguous belief system tied to the philosophical and cultural reaction to the convictions of Modernism (sometimes equated with Humanism). I'm taking aim at post-modern theory. and consumption and the privileging of production over consumption. ‘Post-modernity’ refers to the view that the institutions and ways of living characteristic of modernity have been replaced by new institutional features to such a profound extent that it is no longer plausible to look at the 21st century as a continuation of modernity. Key assumptions of postmodernism. These societies stress on quality of education for all. This problem is multifaceted. ; Postmodernity is characterised by an unstable, fragmented, media saturated global village, where we define ourselves by what we consume.For postmodernists, society today is not a continuation of modernity but a fundamental break from it. A consumer society is one in which the entire society is organized around the consumption and display of commodities through which individuals gain prestige, identity, and standing. This article proposes that social scientists should explicitly recognize the existence of consumers who engage in ‘craft consumption’ and, hence, of an additional image of the consumer to set alongside those of ‘the dupe’,‘the rational hero’ and the ‘postmodern identity-seeker’. We demon-strate how postmodernism is concerned with the reversing of the conditions of modernity and with a wide range of issues regarding the construction of the subject (i.e., the consumer), the role of the symbolic in consumption processes, the notion SAGE Knowledge is the ultimate social sciences digital library for students, researchers, and faculty. For example they go to market for groceries instead of owning gardens and animals. I've provided 12 criticisms of post-modern theory in terms of its reflection of truth and the consequences of following it as a methodology: 1. A society is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. ... thus hyper reality and image consumption are in the first place of postmodern consumers’ life (Binay, 2010). Instead they produce goods to sell in the market. Postmodernists claim that contemporary western societies have moved from the modern to the postmodern age. Modern society is often called materialistic, where people no longer produce product for living. People don’t rely their own. For him, modern societies are organized around the production and consumption of commodities, while postmodern societies are organized around simulation and the play of images and signs, denoting a situation in which codes, models, and signs are the organizing forms of a new social order where simulation rules. Individualization and uniqueness of consumption in the sphere of postmodern culture . Hosting more than 4,400 titles, it includes an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, … 1.6.