St. Michael and All Angels was retained in the Lutheran liturgical calendar because it was seen as a principal feast about Christ. Elisha’s servant panicked until Elisha said “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” and the Lord opened the servants eyes to see what constantly surrounds God’s people – mountains full of horses and chariots of fire all around. Dear Christian, take this war seriously or you will suffer the fate of the demons. At least culturally speaking: We have “Touched by an Angel” and “It's a wonderful life”, books and movies, and a song by Aerosmith. “ St. Michael and All Angels ” is not simply to point us to angels, but to Jesus. Liturgy of the Angels for St. Michael and All Angels, Rev. Sit to eat The Lord’s Word silences his mouth and casts him from heaven so he can no longer accuse you before the Lord’s throne. Here through messengers of flesh, the saints of old give their faithful testimony the victorious Christ who was crucified, died, and was buried. And yet we know that they … In fact, Philip Melanchthon, a colleague of Dr. Martin Luther, even wrote a hymn about St. Michael and All Angels (LSB 522, “Lord God, To Thee We Give All Praise”). An angel proclaims the Gospel. Prayers, Prefaces, Litanies, etc. This is not simply a metaphor or a fake image meant to give you fake comfort. Lo, the angels hide their face, In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; St. Michael & All Angels. Thomas L. Weitzel, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Lord and His Church. We’re not seeing the spiritual war that is raging and we’re taking up the wrong weapons. The days we find ourselves in are wonderful examples of that. But Satan is hoping that perhaps we will; perhaps he can get us to doubt the Blood and the absolution of Christ and so be overrun with despair; perhaps he can get us to listen to his accusations against one another so that we who share the Blood of Christ see each other as the problem and the enemy rather than him; perhaps he can convince us that we no longer need the Blood and the testimony that conquered him or convince us that those things are really useless and can’t help us in our troubles. Tells the women: “Have no fear. The readings (Dan. The word angel comes from the Greek ángelos, which means “messen­ger.” An angel literally is a messenger from the Lord God, both human and supernatural. We are engaged in a spiritual war that has only one purpose – to steal Christians away from Christ and keep the Gospel from reaching anyone else lest they believe and are snatched out of the devil’s kingdom. Sermon for Last Sunday of the Church Year. 12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. Satan will be driven away by only one thing – the Word of God. Considering the weakness of our sinful flesh and our inability to avoid sin, Satan serving as chief tempter and accuser is more than we can bear or resist. God will no longer listen to accusations filled with lies. Lo, the angel flings away They always act as the Lord’s messengers, speaking His Word or carrying out His actions, bringing judgment or salvation. For the protection of the holy angels, we can and should thank our Lord as we pray daily, “Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. The God-man having made full atonement for the sins of the world, Satan and his accusations no longer have any place in the heavenly court room. Summary. We can’t be disengaged spectators. God’s Word have forgotten. However, in Rev. Home; Who We Are. Not with swords or shields but with the divine Word that silences the unholy accusatory word of Satan. 12:9 and Is. St Michael and All Angels Lutheran Church. Speaker Pastor George Samiec. They call us back to the testimony of the prophets and apostles who point us to the Messiah and faithfully teach us the will of God. These disciples were sent out by Jesus to proclaim the arrival of the kingdom of God in His name. But do not fear. The devil, the leader of the fallen angels, is called Satan, which means “the accuser.” Satan accuses, slanders and maligns the Lord’s holy people throughout the Scriptures (e.g., Adam and Eve, Job). We do well to remember when the king of Syria surrounded the city where Elisha was. Michael and All Angels: Messengers, Worshipers, Warriors” (Revelation 12:7-12) Today in the Christian church year is the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. With all the interest in angels these days, St. Michael and All Angels, Sept. 29, offers the opportunity to set the record straight on just who or what is and what isn't an angel. But the battle is far from over even though the outcome is sealed. Kurt Ulmer. And this is exactly what the holy angels do. In some cases,… Read Listen Recent Sermons. Nov. 23, 2020: St Michael's is hosting a full program of Christmas services and gatherings, and continues to join in worship and fellowship each week online using Zoom. St. Michael & All Angels. Praises for His pardon 7. September 29 . With them bring And when we die, we can be cer­tain that our Lord’s angels will take us to be with our Lord forever; their job of pro­tecting us is not finished until we are with our Lord in eternity. September 29 is the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels. But these are smoke screens behind which Satan is working feverishly to impede the spread of the Gospel, cast people into panic and fear, and turn neighbor against neighbor. They are called guardians and protectors of God’s people in the Scriptures. Every time the Lord’s Word is preached in truth and purity, Satan is defeated. > Go to to order “Where Do Angels Sleep?” a resource on explaining angels to small children. We are in some ways, perhaps well acquainted with angels. Saint Michael and All Angels (September 29, 2019) Let us pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father for the Church, the world, and one another. Michaelmas has been one of the four quarter days of the financial, judicial, and academic year. Instead of the Blood and the testimony, instead of prayer and hymns, we try to arm ourselves with the right politicians, science, firearms, and Molotov cocktails. Sinners cringe before Him; We might have assumed that the woman was Mary because she gives birth to Jesus but here the woman is the Church through whom the promised Messiah comes. If you would like to make you offering or a donation to the Church please use the following link. The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels (transferred)27 September, Anno Domini 2020Revelation 12:7-12Pr. Lo, the angel stands nearby, 14:12–15 describe the “ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan” and his angels as cast down from heaven. May no longer taste the good Adam’s seed Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Stands with flaming double sword, If you despise the Blood and the testimony you will fall on the battle field and be taken captive and suffer eternal torment. In Luke 10:18, Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Jesus said this in response to the preach­ing of the 72 disciples. Derek Roberts. With a host all singing deep: It shows us that the battle against Satan and his evil angels is not won by power, might, strength or numbers but, as Martin Luther’s great Reformation hymn “A Mighty Fortress” confesses, “One little word can fell him.” That one little Word is Jesus and the forgiveness He gives us. Some congregations celebrate the festival of St. Michael and All Angels—September 29—each year to affirm and honor the work of God’s messengers working behind the scenes. Let it be unto me according to your word.”. Angels love nothing more than to bring the message of the saving work of Jesus. Lutheran 1308 Spring Garden Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212 Get Directions Weekly Service Times: No Service Times Provided (412) 231-2183. According to Pastor Philip Pfatteicher, a former campus minister in Pennsylvania, the festival celebrates dimensions of the universe beyond human understanding. As Western Christians celebrate the church festival of St. Michael and All Angels (also known as Michaelmas) during this Reformation 500 year, it is fitting to explore the topics of interest regarding angels that occupied the thoughts of the Reformers—namely, their existence and how they intervene on God’s behalf in the lives of Christians—and examine what the Church actually confesses … Real angels surround you and stand at the ready to defend you against the dragon and his legions. Without that, we may get confused as to what’s actually happening. He deceived Adam and Eve in paradise. Satan cannot remain where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is heard and believed. They hold back the full brunt of what Satan wishes to unleash against us. Indeed, our flesh would gladly switch sides and ally itself with the one who seeks our destruction. 2. In the Western church, St. Michael and All Angels has been celebrated since the 12th century. St. Michael and All Angels St. Michael’s is the small friendly church. CELC > Devotions > September 29 . Stands to sound the earth’s last St. Michael and All Angels commemorates the great battle in heaven between Satan and his evil angels and St. Michael and the angels of the Lord. Lo, the angel, and his horn, For all intents and purposes, myriad (10,000) was the largest number most people conceived of in Greek thought. The other lesser know example occurs in Zechariah when the devil stands before God leveling accusations against the high priest Joshua who was among the exiles who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. 1. Jesus sweats His holy blood, But we suffer it in the full assurance that God will faithfully deliver us according to His promises. And His Body gives for food, Though the fight is fierce and the warfare long, you do not fight alone. With the patriarch Jacob we can truly say “This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”  Wherever the testimony and the Blood are found, there you have found heaven. And here, in the Divine Service, where the veil between heaven and earth is at its thinnest, the Lord Jesus stands before you to give you the very Blood that has redeemed you and cleansed you of all your sin. Lo, the angel vigil keeps About the Author: The Rev. With this Word you can put the whole host of hell to flight. No. Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! A true angel always points a person to see Jesus and His work. And in one Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, have mercy. 4. This reference presents the cherubim as a mighty warrior with a flaming sword, a far cry from cute, harmless baby cherubs that frequently appear in popular culture. St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church . Alleluia! Is doesn’t matter how loudly the accuser shouts about your sins, God is not listening. From the grave. The revelation granted to St. John, while very difficult to understand in places, is truly a source of great preparation and comfort for Christians. When bad things hap­pen to us, when we have a close call and when we hear of disasters averted, we can be certain that the Lord’s holy angels were involved. Because Jesus took all of Satan’s accusations against us on Himself when He went to the cross, Satan has nothing more to say to the Lord about us or about our sins. Claim your church now by clicking the button below! Is His Word. In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It was a God-full Time | St. Michael and All Angels. Perhaps you're new to the area and are church-shopping. The celebration of the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels dates back to the 12th Century in the Western Church. Return to heaven again and again that you may be refreshed and strengthened by the true Blood of Christ and the testimony of your salvation until the same angels who fought beside you carry you out of this valley of sorrow safely into the uninterrupted presence of God, His saints, and his angelic servants. One of those names is “the Devil” which means “accuser,” and another is “Satan” which means “slanderer.” These visions are for our benefit and so we do well to meditate on them, even if at times we have to say “I don’t fully understand but, I am the servant of the Lord. We mustn’t fail to take up the weapons and armor provided or we will be overrun and swallowed by death. Bow before the King of Grace. There is no such thing in this war. St Michael & All Angels Church. 5. Festival of St. Michael and All Angels September 29. Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.